A Call to Action Do you value natural landscapes and your privilege to recreate within them? Do you recognize that the growing popularity of outdoor recreation demands heightened on-the-ground involvement to protect natural resources while accommodating multiple-use recreation? And are you frustrated by the polarization of environment-vs.-access issues, which has paralyzed land managers into a bureaucratic gridlock? If so, then support the organization that shares your vision.
Ride with Respect aims to protect natural resources while accommodating diverse recreation on public land. We reach this goal through trail/restoration projects and educational programs. In combination, these initiatives work to concentrate vehicle travel to established roads and trails.
Off-trail travel most often results from confusion. Ride with Respect delineates appropriate routes through positive and negative trail marking. We improve trail conditions to minimize their deterioration and consequent widening. By documenting the effects of our trail work, we further general knowledge of techniques that ensure recreation is a renewable resource.
Off-trail travel is also caused by ignorance. We foster conscientious use by educating through interpretive signs and personal contacts. By offering certified rider-training classes, we instill environmental ethic and safety consciousness in children.
The founders of Ride with Respect are based in Moab, Utah. They have diverse backgrounds, with motorcycling as a common thread. They represent the interests of all recreationists.
Ride with Respect depends on individual donations and public grants. Our non-profit and non-political posture enables us to work cooperatively with government agencies, often fulfilling duties that land managers do not have the means to carry out.
Curtailing off-trail travel preserves both future access to trails and the scenery surrounding them. Improving trails make travel more straightforward and enjoyable. Teaching people about their environment empowers them to act responsibly. Ride with Respect is a grass-roots effort that applies Treadlightly! and sustainable recreation concepts to practical use with tangible results.